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Presidents Report 2024

Leslie Street Centre 


I would firstly like to thank Trish Connett for her service and dedication to Leslie Street as our Treasurer/Secretary. We wish you all the best Trish.

The past twelve months have been a learning curve for me as president as well as some new faces to your committee. Thankyou to Wendy Haywood, Jenny Saw and the committee for all their support. Thanks also to past members for their ongoing advice.


We have kept a focus on upgrading your facility with new lighting, furnishings, work on the foyer and entry as well as general maintenance. The Hall has been cleared of cupboards and a portion of the stage, thanks Roy and helpers. We still plan to apply for grants for lining the hall,  external painting and signage.


We have improved our social media and promotion through our website and Facebook, and both are functioning well.


We plan to commence Bingo on a Tuesday afternoon. This activity has great potential for Leslie Street and hope you can get behind the project. We will need volunteers to commit a few hours so please call me if you can assist.


The Glee club have performed two concerts and we've had increased interest for function hire.


The centre has applied for a Volunteer to assist with work around the hall and we would like to build a volunteer base.


There's a suggestion box in the foyer so any ideas and feedback would be appreciated.


I would like to thank our regular hall hirers and members for their support and contribution to your Centre.


Your Centre is in sound financial shape and we look forward to the year ahead.


Geoff Bales 


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Newsletter September 2020

It has been a very busy time at our Hall this year. We survived lockdown but it cost us dearly in lost revenue and heavy expense of deep cleaning. It was unfortunate that we had to raise both membership and participation costs but we do not receive any funding from the Shire,  so we have to rely on special grants and the revenue raised on activities and Hall Hire.

Meg  Youens is to be thanked for her work in looking after all aspects of Hall Hire and usage and she also is to be thanked for her work every day in making sure the hall is cleaned and all the COVID conditions are met.

It is very important to make sure the hand sanitiser is used and that a clean up with the disinfectant and wipes are used after every activity.

Mayday Foundation is to be thanked for a generous donation of $3155 for the purchase of a defibrillator and cabinet to be housed in the kitchen. Training will take place in the near future in it’s usage and more information will be made available when we actually install this lifesaving device.

Thanks must also go to our great Committee members who are all working in the interest of our club and a special thanks to Patricia Connett our treasurer and Caroline Demmon our secretary who keep all the bookwork running efficiently.

The AGM this year is to be held on Oct 22 at the Hall at 11.15 am and I encourage all members to attend. At this meeting we will give a summary of all financial details from our comprehensive audit, and elect a new committee for the coming financial year. Nomination forms will be made available at the Hall. At the AGM we will answer all questions raised from the floor. We also are interested in nominations for Life Memberships for deserving members.

I thank all the members and hirers who use the Hall and am appreciative of the fact that all seem to be on the same wavelength in keeping the Hall operating effectively and helping to keep it clean. It is a pleasure to meet the members and be working with a pleasant and efficient Committee.

Norm McVeigh – President on behalf of the Committee

Newsletter June 2020

Thanks to everyone playing their part we had a successful re – opening of the Centre early this month.

To comply with mandated regulations the Hall had a complete deep clean and a Covid safety plan devised and the Shire informed.  There was a great spirit of goodwill and camaraderie as all seem to be pleased to be released from lockdown. Now restrictions have been eased further things seem to be almost back to normal. Soon all our Hall Hirers will be back in full operation by mid July.

The yearly joining fee has been raised to $25 and our participation fee for activities has been set at $5 per session. We reluctantly made these increases due to lack of funds and activity during lockdown and the considerable expense of the new cleaning requirements. It has been many years since we have raised the fees. Costs have not remained still and go up each year and we have to meet these costs. We receive no assistance from the Shire and the WA government and we have to rely on volunteers to keep costs down. Any extra money we have received has been in the form of Grants particularly from the Lottery Commission and Mayday.

At our June committee meeting we thanked all those volunteers who lead activities and help with maintenance. Special mention must go to Committee members and in particular Meg Youens, Martin palmer, Tracy Harrison and Pauline Collins members who are very active. I hope I haven’t left out other deserving members and I apologise if I have done so and if reminded I will give them a special thank next newsletter.

The committee voted on a submission by the more able Table Tennis players to have a separate session to play singles and this was passed by the Committee under the conditions that a trial period until the next AGM and the session will be on a Mon afternoon  from 1pm till 3pm.

Some might argue that we are an open club and dislike the fact that they are excluded from joining this group but in reality we have four other sessions for social play and the committee has decided to give them the chance to prove that they are good club members.

To join the Group all you have to do is self- nominate by dropping a note in the office letter box and a fair trial will be given by the group. This could be over a couple of weeks and could involve coaching. 

Hopefully the goodwill of our members will continue and we look forward to another successful year.

Norm McVeigh – President on behalf of the Committee

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